Tack Box Must-Haves
Whether you’re going away for a day, the weekend, or an extended show tour, packing for you alone is tough enough. When you also have to remember to pack and organize what seems like a million items for your horse, it can become truly overwhelming, and the odds of forgetting something that you or your horse needs are high.
So, the next time you’re organizing your tack box for a competition or show, take a look at the following list of essential items to make sure you have everything that you really need when you need it most.
4 Categories of Must-Haves for Your Tack Box Checklist
1. Tack and Equipment
If you forget an essential piece of tack, you can probably purchase what you need at a pop-up tack shop on-site, but do you really want to spend the money when you already have what you need at home? Of course not! So, remember these essentials:
- Girth
- Bridle
- Martingale
- Saddle
- Extra bits and bobs
- Show pad, square pads, and schooling pad plus therapeutic pads if needed
- Ear bonnets or plugs
- Extra leg wraps
- Boots
- Crop
- Tack conditioner and cleaner

2. Grooming Supplies
To help your horse look his or her best, be sure you have all your grooming supplies tucked away in your tack box, too.
- Soft and hard brushes, curry comb, and a mane and tail brush
- Hoof pick
- Show sheen or shine spray
- Detangle spray
- Baby oil
- Baby powder
- Fly spray
- Hoof oil
- Braiding supplies
3. Horse Care Supplies
Pack all the essential care items and a first aid kit to keep your horse happy and healthy away from home.
- Wash bucket
- Bathing supplies (shampoo, conditioner, linament sponge, and sweat scraper)
- A spray bottle filled with liniment or rubbing alcohol
- Poultice and poultice paper
- Disposable gloves
- Hoof packing
- Food, nutritional supplements, and medications (Pack prepared meals in plastic bags, along with supplements. Label AM or PM and bring more than you plan to use.)
- Equine first aid kit

4. Rider Essentials
Remember you need to be show-ready, as well.
- Sunscreen
- Chapstick
- Deodorant
- Bug spray
- Hairbrush and hairnets
- Riding helmet
- Boot polish
- Handwarmers and extra gloves (work and riding)
- Show and schooling breeches
- Show and schooling shirts
- Show and schooling boots
- Stock tie and pin (or other neck wear)
- Show coat, safety vest
- Spurs, crop
- Number holder (vest, safety pins for saddle pad, etc.)
- Watch (especially Cross Country watch if Eventing)
- First aid kit
Ask an Equine Vet for Personalized Tack Box Recommendations
For personalized tack box recommendations, we welcome you to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian at Advanced Equine of the Hudson Valley. To learn more contact our veterinary office in Fishkill, New York today.